Natural Insomnia Remedies The inability to fall asleep naturally, and stay asleep is called Insomnia. It is a very common condition all over the world, especially in countries where there is an abundance of technology and industry. In fact 30-50% of people in the world suffer from some form of insomnia. There are so many things you can do to …
Read More »Natural Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome
Natural Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome Nothing is worse than not being able to relieve the constant urge to move your legs, especially when you really need to get some restful sleep. The medical treatment is usually with dopamine raising drug, but these always seem to have very serious side effects, sometimes worse than the original condition you were seeking …
Read More »How to Treat Osteoporosis
How to Treat Osteoporosis How to Treat Osteoporosis naturally! The best cure for Osteoporosis is not a Treatment for Osteoporosis, it is preventing osteoporosis before it happens. If you're younger than 60 years old, there is plenty you can do. Weight bearing exercise, diet with plenty of organic green vegetables or juices, natural calcium sources like orotates (not chemical pill …
Read More »Herbs for Depression
Herbs for Depression Feelings of Depression and Anxiety can happen to anyone at any time. Sometimes you can just wake up and for no particular reason feel slightly or even heavily depressed. It could be from dealing with a bad dream, or having challenging negative thoughts run wild through your mind. It can be from not feeling loved, or having no …
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