Herbs for Hair Growth
Hair Loss is a normal part of the aging process, or is it? There is a natural growth, fallout, regrowth cycle that underlies all hair loss. Herbs for Hair Growth can really help stop the excess hair fallout and receding hair lines. Sometimes our hair follicles become clogged up by excess hormones like DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in men and vitamin loss in women. If you've been noticing thinning hair in areas of your scalp then you there are proven herbs and minerals that can stop this before your hair follicles close up.
These natural herbs for hair growth can prevent and even reverse thinning hair and spur new hair growth. You can use them internally like vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements as well as externally like black cumin seed oil (mixed with a little coconut oil) and rubbed into areas where your hair is noticeably thinning. It can be used preventatively as well to keep your hair beautiful and thick with healthy hair to the ends. It can even help you maintain your natural hair color much longer than normal.
Natural Herbs for Hair Growth
There are wonderful natural herbs for hair growth, minerals and herb oils that are proven to prevent early hair fallout and hair loss. They thicken your hair, nourish your hair follicles, increase your hair growth cycle (anagen cycle) and even cause new natural hair regrowth in thinning or balding areas. Here are the best herbs for hair growth that can save your natural hair:
- Biotin is probably the best known natural vitamin for hair growth. It is called Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H (as in hair) because of its hair protective and growth factors. It’s also really good for increasing skin density and tone, as well as stronger healthier nails. It helps with diabetes and cholesterol as well!
- Best Black Seed Oil Organic black cumin seed oil (nigella sativa) is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory and immunity booster. It is an anti-aging natural beauty enhancer. It is used to maintain your natural hair color as well as stop hair fallout and premature balding. It heals skin eruptions like acne, eczema, psoriasis. It also reduces thin skin and wrinkling as well as dark spots. It helps refresh your liver and kidneys and is helpful for UTI's. It has potent cancer healing benefits (even from the medical treatment of cancer like chemotherapy and radiation sickness. It is also good for arthritis, asthma, diabetes, blood sugar, blood pressure, and LDL cholesterol)
- Saw Palmetto Extract. Saw Palmetto is the best single herb for hair growth and prevents hair loss. It possesses 5-Alpha-reductase inhibitory activity (same as finasteride or Rogaine, without the harmful side effects). It prevents the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, preventing BPH or prostate enlargement and premature cancers). It helps stop male pattern baldness and also hair loss due to excess DHT in women as well.
- Astaxanthin Supplement – Works extremely well with Saw Palmetto extract to prevent DHT from causing hair loss and fallout. The most potent antioxidant, and anti-aging natural supplement by a wide margin.
- Vitamin B12 is vital to energy production at the cellular level. It is typically a deficiency in those that follow a strict vegan diet. It can be safely added to your diet, in a vegan safe formula that will strengthen your hair follicles and make for shiny beautiful hair.
- Nettle root has been used for centuries for shampoo and hair tonics. It is a great herb for hair growth. People also used it as a spring tonic, after a dark winter with no greens. After careful harvesting, it was often steamed for a green vegetable like spinach, or combined into soup. Use an extract to strengthen and grow new hair.
- Pumpkin Seed was used by the Incas, Native Americans and Mayans to promote healthy, lustrous hair. Take this natural seed herb for hair an extract as capsules or you can also eat raw or roasted pumpkin seeds by the handfuls.
Begin by using natural herbs for hair growth that strengthen the hair follicle and stop these hair destroying chemicals from making you permanently bald.
Why Am I Losing My Hair?
Why Am I Losing My Hair? Why is my hair falling out? I've asked myself that same question as I kept seeing more hair in my brush and sink after a simple combing in the morning. I even had nightmares about it falling all out. Anxiety was causing more damage than good so I had to find a natural way to keep my own hair and stop the fallout quickly.Hair loss will occur to everyone to some extent during their lifetimes.
There is a natural cycle to hair growth and hair loss. It's only when this natural ratio becomes unbalanced, that the hair growth cycle is shortened and the hair shedding phase becomes predominant. This means that you will lose more hair than you grow back. There is plenty you can do to stop your precious hair from falling out, either down the drain or botched up en masse in your comb or brush. You can use the natural herbs for hair growth shown at the bottom of this page to prevent your precious hair from falling down the drain for good.
Main Causes of Hair Loss
While genetics certainly play a role in male pattern baldness or even baldness in women there are some things outside of genetics that can cause you to lose your hair prematurely. Here are the main causes of hair loss:
- Age is the most common factor in hair loss. It will get thinner and be more brittle as the years pass.
- Genetics, you typically inherit your hair growth and loss pattern from your parents. It is thought that it is mostly from your maternal grandfather's side, but this is still debatable. This is what is referred to as typical male-pattern or female-pattern hair loss.
- Thyroid Conditions like Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism
- Excess stress or anxiety make your hair loss happen faster.
- Prescription Medications, particularly Chemotherapy (a cancer causing treatment) will make you bald quickly.
- Tightly bound hair, or use of chemical based shampoo, conditioner and hair products
- Blow Drying Your Hair
- Low quality diet, lacking in minerals
- Ringworm in the scalp, which is most common in children.
Fortunately, there is a whole lot that can be done to restore your own natural luxurious hair without a lot of hassle or fuss. There are great herbs for hair growth that regrow your own natural hair.
Hair Regrowth Treatment
You can stop the excess hair fallout cycle, and regrow your natural hair by giving your scalp the nutrients it needs. A natural hair regrowth treatment includes using the right vitamins for hair growth (hair regrowth pills) as well as strengthening shampoo and laser hair regrowth products. Men and women have slightly different things that cause hair loss, so you should take a formula that addresses your individual hair loss needs.
Using the specific herbs for hair growth that contain the nutrients you need, you can regrow your own natural hair and stop it from falling out again. There are also advanced ways to stimulate your hair to grow naturally, like using a laser hair comb or hat that uses low level laser technology to stimulate clogged hair follicles so they can grow your natural hair once again.
Essential Oils for Hair Regrowth
One of the newer things I've tried personally and have had excellent results with is using organic essential oils for hair growth. It has thickened my hair (loss around temples) and I am using the oil for gray hair too, and that is working fabulous! You can use it with the hair herbs and nutritional supplements as well as the organic essential oils for hair loss (pictured above) and growth.
You absolutely can get back your own natural hair using natural herbs for hair growth and essential oils. It is working wonders for many people who had serious baldness patterns developing, and now have their own natural hairline and thickness restored. It works great by itself, but I do recommend you feed your scalp with the nutrients so it will stay there for good. Discover how fast and easy it is to be running your fingers through your own full head of hair (with less gray too.)
Hair Regrowth for Men
The best hair regrowth for men uses the above natural hair growth vitamins and nutrients, and adds specific hormone blockers that stop the by products of testosterone production in men (DHT) from sabotaging your natural hair growth. Use natural and chemical free shampoos and conditioners as well as hair products too. If they have too many names you can't pronounce then they're probably not good for your hair.
There is a great natural hair regrowth product for men and women that has everything you need to regrow your own hair and stop the excess fallout. It's called Folixen (Pictured above) and it can help keep your hair on your head from falling out, and even regrew new hair follicles and restore your natural hair line. It is proven to stop your excess and prolonged hair fallout phase and return to the active growth phase. Read the comments and testimonials too and you will see how well it works for men and women!
Hair Regrowth for Women
The best hair regrowth for women uses the natural herbs and vitamins that are needed for optimum hair growth in women. Women have fluctuating hormone levels that change as they advance in maturity. Nutrient and vitamin loss that can lead to female pattern baldness. It can be stopped by taking specific hair nutrients for women that stop the causes of female hair loss. You can use the Valotin nutritional supplement (pictured above), and use topical essential oils to regrow hair in thinning or balding spots.
The underlying issues are the same for women as they are for men, which is excess DHT (testosterone buildup) and a prolonged catagen phase (hair loss phase.) In more critical hair loss, like from undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment, you may want to use a detox supplement called Zeolite. This removes radiation, heavy metals poisoning, pesticide residues and hormone disrupters that can cause severe hair loss.
Use the natural herbs for hair growth in Folexin and/or Valotin shampoo, conditioner and hair strengthening formula to prevent your hair from falling out prematurely and grow new hair.
Hair Growth Pills That Actually Work
Use the following hair regrowth pills that actually work! The contain the best herbs, vitamins and nutrients to strengthen your scalp, hair follicles and hair growth hormonal cycle. It stops the cause of your hair falling out and not growing back. It works well for women and men because all hair follows the same cycle and is predictable when you can extend the hair growth cycle and stop the falling out cycle.
- Folexin (Specific Vitamins, Minerals and Herbs that are proven to regrow your own natural hair)
- Valotin (Creates stronger hair follicles and feeds your hair shaft, minimizing fallout)
The above natural herbs for hair growth can really help you stop your hair loss and regrow your natural hair. For specific hair growth vitamins, there are specific Hair Regrowth for Men, and Hair Regrowth for Women formulas that use the specific ingredients that cause male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness.
Laser for Hair Regrowth
Lasers for hair growth are are very helpful and work well with the other natural remedies for hair growth because they use natural light wavelengths that stimulate rapid natural hair regrowth. When you want to grow your own natural hair in the quickest possible way, than nothing beats a Laser for Hair Regrowth. It unclogs your hair follicles and activates the growth phase by stimulating the mitochondria to spur new hair natural hair growth. This is a very safe and FDA approved and proven way that regrows your own natural hair. It works as a natural hair regrowth for women and men.
The laser hair regrowth caps for men and women are my favorite as they are so easy to use, and even stylish and can be used with the natural remedies for hair growth shown above. You can wear them out and get your hair growing into strong, full natural hair in the fastest time possible. You can use it with the hair regrowth nutrients shown above to nourish your hair follicles from the inside and from the outside in. For more information on all the types of hair regrowth lasers see: Best Hair Regrowth Lasers.