Natural Menopause Remedies
Natural Menopause Remedies can help you avoid the most uncomfortable menopause symptoms and signs like night sweats, hot flashes and erratic mood swings. Natural menopause remedies like herbs, vitamins, minerals and natural supplements can help you relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause and premenopause safely and naturally. You can get through this natural stage of life and nature can help.
Your hormones control major changes in your body's life cycle. Just like puberty, menopause is just a changing of the guard signaling a new phase in your life. Once you balance your hormones you will breeze through night sweats, hot flashes and your changes of mood.
Giving your body the best natural menopause remedies will satisfy the internal cravings and allow you an easier passage through this new exciting time in your life. When you understand the when, why and how of it's changes then you can stop sweating and start moving boldly into this freeing time in your life.
When is Menopause?
When is Menopause? Most women will experience the symptoms of pre-menopause somewhere around the age of 40, more or less. Full Menopause symptoms usually show up when women reach between 45-55 years old. Some women welcome menopause and the end of frustrating menstruation cycles with open arms. Others may feel sad that they are no longer going to be bearing children. It's the natural cycle of maturity in women going through the mid-life years.
You give up having to deal with pads, tampons and other measures to keep you from having that accident where you may bleed through and ruin some good clothing, or even feel embarrassed by it. So there are some benefits to menopause as well. How do you know when you are going through the beginning of menopause? There are tell tale signs that you are beginning to reach the pre-menopause state. Make sure the use the best natural menopause remedies to help keep your hormones and symptoms in balance.
Signs of Early Menopause
Signs of Early Menopause can happen in your late 30's to early 40's. Early Menopause is also referred to as Pre Menopause, as it lets you know that you will soon be facing menopause so take steps to make it as easy as possible for yourself. Here are the most common symptoms of early menopause:
- Irregular Menstruation (periods)
- Decreased Libido and Stimulation
- Emotional Changes and Mood Swings
- Bladder Irregularities (needing to go more often or less often than usual)
- Vaginal Dryness and Itching
- Insomnia
- Hot Flashes
- Night Sweats
- Depression
- Endometriosis
- Infertility
Menopause symptoms can be uncomfortable but nothing serious or lethal in most cases. Pre Menopause Symptoms are due to hormonal changes that affect your mind, body and emotions as well and can lead to Osteoporosis. You can control these early menopause symptoms with a few easy changes to your daily routine and the right natural menopause remedies.
Menopausal Symptoms
When menopause descends upon you, you will most likely experience the most common Menopausal Symptoms, which you may have already experienced to a lesser degree during pre menopause or early menopause. Here are the most common menopause symptoms:
- Emotional Changes (mood swings, depression)
- Hot Flashes
- Night Sweats
- Vaginal Dryness
- Changes in Normal Urinary Patterns
- Loss of Hair
- Thinning of Skin
- Changes in Appetite (Bloating, Cravings for Sweets)
- Loss of Sexual Stimulation and Interest
Menopause is a natural part of going through the human experience for all women. Think of it as a graduation from early womanhood into your mid years and a new phase of life. You can help prevent most of the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause with a few good Natural Menopause Remedies, Herbs and Foods.
Home Remedies for Menopause
Home Remedies for Menopause can help you through this natural transition in life. It is a much safer and healthier way to deal with your body's hormonal changes vs risky treatments like hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for women. You can get your hormones tested to see if any of them have become out of balance, but most likely they will be as you mature naturally.
Make sure you get some natural sunlight and take daily walks or join an exercise class at your local gym to make it a new fun and healthy addition to your daily life. It will help your body cope with the coming changes, and lessen your menopause symptoms. Also include some of the best Foods for Menopause along with a few specific herbs, menopause vitamins and the best natural menopause remedies (shown at the bottom of this page.)
Foods For Menopause
There are some Foods for Menopause that you will want to start including in your daily diet to keep your body strong, flexible and prevent osteoporosis and keep your mood stabilized. You are what you eat, literally. Choosing a Healthy Keto Diet will be the best thing you do not only to stop your annoying menopause symptoms but to bring insulin levels (prevent diabetes), normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels. too.
Using the right foods for menopause along with the natural menopause remedies helps you lose weight from fat as you will be burning your belly fat as energy, which your body and brain prefers. It focuses on healthy alternatives and can help you look and feel your best. Eat as many organic green vegetables and fresh local fruits as you can. Also it is important to begin taking whole food sourced natural menopause vitamins so you can avoid the most negative effects of menopause symptoms.
Go for daily walks of at least 20 minutes, preferably early morning or late afternoon so you can still benefit from healthy sunlight. Weight bearing exercise can also help prevent osteoporosis This is important for developing bone mass and overall health. Take the best natural menopause remedies below and a multivitamin/multimineral supplement to make your transition into midlife an easier one.
Best Natural Menopause Remedies
The Best Natural Menopause Remedies can help you restore natural balance in your life and ease away the aggravating symptoms. Pure Essence Transitions (pictured above) is a natural herbal blend that balances your female hormones so you can ease through these important changes in your life without the annoying symptoms of menopause. Take your daily menopause vitamin supplement as it has a lot of the things you will need to ease your menopause symptoms. Here are the best natural herbs for menopause relief:
- Pure Essence Transitions (Best natural menopause remedies with Herbal Extract Blend for Hormone Balance and menopause symptoms relief)
- Resurge Natural Hormonal Balancer you take before sleep. It balances your hormones while you sleep so you get deep restorative sleep that is needed to regenerate hormone levels. It also helps lose added estrogenic body fat and weight.
- Multivitamin Multimineral for Women Keeps your body properly balanced for proper nutritional support during the menopause years
- Full Spectrum Magnesium Magnesium is important to prevent brittle bones associated with menopause. You already have an overabundance of calcium in your body because all foods are calcium fortified now. Get your calcium for leafy green vegetables and avoid junk calcium supplements that cause arthritis, atherosclerosis, dementia and brittle bones. Full Spectrum Magnesium allows your bones to be more flexible and not shatter or break from simple falls or strains.
- Vitamin D3 (Works well with Calcium/Magnesium for Osteoporosis)
- Black Cohosh (Hormone and Estrogen Balancing Herb)
- Dong Quai (Hormone and Estrogen Balancing Herb)
- Chasteberry (Chaste Tee-Vitex)
- Soy Isoflavones (Non GMO)
These natural menopause remedies that make your graduation into midlife an easier and more stable one. Use the ones you can find and include them into your daily diet plan. You can get a simple vitamin pill planner, that has daily compartments where you put the herb capsules or vitamins in it for each day of the week. You won't forget that way and you will get the benefits that nature has to help you through menopause with flying colors.