Treatment for Chronic Diarrhea
I'm absolutely sure that you have had diarrhea or “the runs” many times in your life. It is usually not a serious condition as you avoid eating what you just did and that usually takes care your issue. However chronic diarrhea is a more serious issue as you are not absorbing the nutrients from the food you are eating. It can cause malnutrition even though you are eating plenty of food. Using a natural Treatment for Chronic Diarrhea helps you stop the cause of your chronic diarrhea by clearing out the fibrin (scar tissue), and plaque and restores an optimum healthy gut community.
Creating a healthy gut can improve your life drastically as you no longer are “tied” to a nearby restroom and also you get the benefit of digesting your food properly. You will discover that you will lose excess stomach “fat” that wasn't really fat but an excess of plaque and impacted intestinal material. That's why you can't get rid of it with normal diet and exercise, no matter how much you do. When you heal your gut using a natural treatment for chronic diarrhea, it allows you to absorb the nutrients you are eating and not have it pass right out of you before your body got the benefit. You get the “lost” energy from the food from now on.
What is Chronic Diarrhea
What is Chronic Diarrhea? Diarrhea is the second most reported health concern in the United States according to WebMD. Diarrhea in general is when you experience 3 or more liquid or loose stool bowel movements per day. Chronic or Acute Diarrhea is usually accompanied with excess gas and bloating and can be quite annoying, uncomfortable and even embarrassing. It is hard to live a normal social life when you are always worried if there is a public bathroom available when you desperately need it! Acute Diarrhea is when diarrhea lasts for one or two bowel movements then stops.
It causes severe dehydration and loss of nutrients from your body. You also lose important electrolytes important for healthy, hydration and electrical activity (brain and body energy) and can lead to you feeling sluggish with foggy thinking ability. It can be fatal in some instances where you have limited access to clean filtered water for drinking and cooking, and they end up with a weakened immune system. The holistic treatment for chronic diarrhea can not only clear your gastro-intestinal tract and colon, it can also clear your mind.
Diarrhea becomes chronic when it occurs on a daily basis, and you just can't seem to have normal bowel movements, no matter what you do. This chronic condition also causes your body to develop chronic inflammation in your whole body. If left unchecked, it can lead to a whole host of inflammatory conditions, like arthritis, diabetes, Crohn's disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS), Celiac's disease, Diverticulitis, Ulcerative Colitis, and leaky gut syndrome.
Here is a video that briefly explains the symptoms of diarrhea and the most common causes:
Causes of Chronic Diarrhea
Acute diarrhea is usually caused by coming into contact with a source of bacteria or even virus that your body hasn't experienced before (like is frequently the case in Traveler's Diarrhea.) It can also be caused by a stressful event in your life, food allergy or some medications that are causing you side effects of taking them. Here is a list of the most common Causes of Chronic Diarrhea:
- Prescription Medication Side Effects (Use natural Holistic Health alternatives instead)
- Food Allergy or Intolerance (Particularly wheat or gluten, peanuts, strawberries, tomatoes, shellfish)
- Lactose Intolerance (Milk and Milk Products, certain genetics cause a predisposition to not be able to process the lactose in milk properly)
- Environmental Toxins (Eating non-organic food with Pesticides, GMO Foods which have pesticides and viral components inside them, fluoride, chlorine, heavy metals, radiation, etc.)
- Bacteria (Giardia, e Coli, h. Pylori, and many others)
- Viruses (Usually from unclean areas or while traveling and not being hyper-vigilant about hand washing after being in public place or around people that have been ill)
- Chronic Illness like IBS (Intestinal Bowel Syndrome), IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), Pancreatitis, Addison's, Celiac's, Hyperthyroidism or even Diabetes can also cause chronic diarrhea
If you are taking any prescription medications, look at the side effects on the label or look it up online. If it is listed or is a suspected cause, then look for a holistic alternative to the medicine that doesn't cause chronic diarrhea, and there will usually be plenty of natural remedy choices that you can use instead. There is a natural treatment for chronic diarrhea that gets rid of the bacterial, viral and environmental toxins and safely eliminates them from your body. It is called zeolite powder, which is shown towards the end of this article.
Most Common Food Allergies
Most Common Food allergies can be a major underlying factor in chronic diarrhea. It is a good idea to stop eating one type of food for a few days to a week (peanuts and peanut products, strawberries, milk products) to see if it stops your diarrhea by itself. Testing for food allergies is the first step in a treatment for chronic diarrhea, as it may the cause. There is a simple test called the coca pulse test that you can use to see if any substance or food is causing allergic reactions within your body.
The most common food allergies are usually due to lactose intolerance and wheat gluten sensitivity, and most people don't even realize they have it! If you have gluten intolerance you can use the Gluten Guardian formula to break down gluten so you don't have a reaction to it. The gluten sensitivity may be more to do with what is being done to wheat that is not organic. It is sprayed with a heavy dose of a nasty pesticide formula to keep insects off it.
Instead of storing it properly, the common sense approach. These pesticides not only kill bugs but wipe out your healthy gut bacteria, wipe out your immune system, cause cancer, ulcerative colitis and lead to chronic diarrhea and leaky gut syndrome! If you suspect you have Celiac disease there is a home test kit you can get to be sure. It shows if you have Celiac disease and are gluten intolerant. See the MyLab Gluten Sensitivity Test.
What is Lactose Intolerance?
What is Lactose intolerance? Being Lactose Intolerant affects up to 50 million people in the US alone. People who have ancestors who came from origins of African, Hispanic, Asian, Indian or Native American heritage are usually more prone to develop lactose intolerance. Most likely because they haven't been exposed to cow's milk as much as people who have been exposed to it for centuries. And the genes needed to process lactose (milk sugar) is not present in their bodies. You can drink lactose free milk or take some enzymes which give your body the ability to now break down the lactose in milk and milk products.
Also the milk and milk products in the U.S. are normally filled with an excess of pus cells from sick cows that are under severe stress from tiny confinement cells.So they are unhealthy with stress hormones in all their bodies. They also add bovine growth hormones and antibiotics that make them and you sick! It is a major food allergy. If you choose to use milk products, be sure to choose natural grass fed, pasture raised cows. This is not only best for your health, but for the animals , then environment and for ethical reasons as well. It's always a lot less stressful to be a part of the solution rather than be part of the problem.
What is a Gluten Free Diet?
What is Gluten a Free Diet? Gluten is a type of fiber in wheat and grains that people with Celiac disease or IBS typically have problems digesting properly. I thought I was gluten intolerant at first, but after I discovered that it was in fact not the gluten but a toxic chemical called glyphosate that is sprayed on the wheat after it is harvested. You are not usually gluten intolerant, but actually glyphosate intolerant! I started eating only organic wheat, and then followed the Healthy Keto Diet (which limits grains) and haven't had a problem since.
I did a glyphosate detox and got rid of the pesticides and residues from these chemicals because a small amount still gets into organic crops because of rain water runoff. The problem with that is that it destroys your gut and immune system too. It makes it so you can't digest foods properly (exactly what it does to the insects) and you and starves your body of nutrition.
It is a cause of all types of chronic GI issues like Celiac's, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease and Chronic Diarrhea. It can cause bloody diarrhea if you eat too much of it at once. Zeolite helps detox the glyphosate and pesticides out. It is in the recommended Esdian with Zeolite formula at the end of this page and is a big part of the natural treatment for chronic diarrhea.
Bloody Diarrhea
If you encounter Bloody Diarrhea or blood in your diarrhea this is a sign that you have either have a case of dysentery or have some type of internal bleeding. If it continues for more than a few days you should see your physician or health professional. It is a sign that you need to heal your digestive tract and colon quickly before it leads to more serious conditions like colon cancer. You can do that with a good oxygen based colon cleanse to stop any parasites or harmful bacteria from causing micro-perforations in your intestines leading to colitis and ulcerative colitis.
Colitis is an inflammation of the colon and the walls of the intestines that may contain mucus, and sometimes even a fever. If it is accompanied by a fever, then you may want to seek medical attention because it can be a severe infection that needs to be treated immediately. Use the treatment at the bottom of the page so you can bring your colon and intestines back to normal working order.
What Causes Green Diarrhea?
What Causes Green Diarrhea or Bright Yellow Diarrhea? This type of diarrhea is caused by an excess of bile secreted by the gall bladder. This is usually nothing to be too alarmed about as it means that your food has passed through the intestines faster than normal, and has not had the chance to change from green or yellow to the normal rich brown color. Eating some healthy solid foods and probiotics (yogurt or fermented foods, even red wine) can help your colon return to normal, and bring your bowel movements back to normal.
Fortunately, there is a great treatment for chronic diarrhea that will work to give you back lost energy, while you lose weight and gain skin radiance. It's not so much what you eat, rather what you absorb. With diarrhea, you are not absorbing the nutrients, just passing them and weakening your colon. Not absorbing your vitamins and minerals will make you have severe deficiencies that lead to serious disease. This is so easy to correct with colon cleansing and regular probiotic use.
Parasites Causing Diarrhea
Parasites Causing Diarrhea can also be at the root of your chronic diarrhea. Parasites are organisms that live off your body by stealing the nutrients from the food you eat and excreting toxins into your body. It's a lose/lose proposition (deal) for you and your health. You can get parasites if you eat food that hasn't been cooked fully or properly. Particularly if you eat raw fish, sometimes the lemon and “curing” doesn't' do the job. Same with pork products, they are known for causing intestinal parasites. You can use a natural Parasite Cleanse to rid the body of them, can ideally be used with an electro cleanse type parasite zapper to make sure they're all out.
Having your loving pet lick your face or your hands and then you touching your mouth can spread the parasite larvae (usually microscopic) so you won't even realize it. If you suspect you have parasites then you should do a parasite cleanse first. I recommend parasite herbs as a parasite removal treatment for chronic diarrhea because it has the proven herbs that burn out parasites while leaving your healthy organisms and tissue healthy.
I have a special device that I use that cleanses them out of your body and works really well with the parasite cleanse. It's call an electro-cleanse Parasite Zapper and it safely cleanses your blood from harmful organisms. I actually use it on all types of infections because it safely zaps bacteria and viruses from the outside in. I just used it for a bad tooth infection and it really helped stop the terrible tooth infection pain.
Natural Treatment for Chronic Diarrhea
Using the following Natural Treatment for Chronic Diarrhea safely and naturally stops your chronic diarrhea for good. It is not a quick fix but a permanent one. You need to detoxify your colon to get rid of the parasites that are causing havoc in your gut and colon. Then you need to restore a healthy gut bacteria so it can properly digest and get the benefit of the nutrition you are eating and drinking.
You will notice you by using the natural treatment for chronic diarrhea relief will cause you to safely lose weight and gain energy as you now absorb your nutrition instead of feed parasites or flush it down the toilet! Esdifan with natural zeolite powder is made to stop chronic diarrhea, so that would be be the fastest way to do it. You will want to prevent it by developing a healthy gut long-term.
Doing a Natural Colon Cleanse with oxygen, enzymes, detoxifiers and probiotics successfully rebuilds and repopulates your gut, digestive tract and colon. It also prevents one of the most lethal types of cancers – colon cancer. While you cleanse the colon, you will also want to get rid of the viruses and other pathogens that are causing the diarrhea in the first place. You first need to detox your intestines, colon and GI tract, then rebuild healthy gut bacteria and flora, so it can also rebuild your immune system and strengthen it.
How to Cleanse Your Colon Naturally
This is the first step in the natural treatment for chronic diarrhea relief. You will learn How to Cleanse Your Colon Naturally and safely. You first need to flush out the toxins and unhealthy microbes that are causing micro-perforations (tiny holes) in your intestinal tract and colon, use digestive enzymes to break up scar tissue and plaque that has formed there (as well as hardened fecal matter) and then repopulate (build healthy cells) your GI tract with healthy Prebiotics and Probiotics. You will find that you lose some abdominal weight and your stomach looks flatter after this because it got rid of the impacted matter that diet alone couldn't touch.
This is the first part the colon cleansing and detox (followed by building healthy gut bacteria right after.) Esdifan (zeolite) is a proven way to help detox your colon so it can actually begin to normalize. It protects your colon from inflammatory bowel, Crohn's and colitis. Use the following natural herbal remedies to completely detox and restore your healthy gut and colon bacteria quickly and stop chronic diarrhea for good:
- Esdifan – A specialized natural Zeolite containing product that also treats the diarrhea and inflammation
- Colon Detox Plus – Uses the best natural herbs and minerals to powerfully cleanse out all toxins, that have been hiding in your gut for years, stealing your nutrients and energy
- Parasite Cleansing Herbs uses natural herbs like wormwood, black walnut hull, wood betony and buckthorn plus support herbs is an herbal parasite cleanse that stops intestinal parasites from laying eggs and kills the adults off quickly.
- Carbon 60 or C60 is one of the most potent natural anti aging supplements ever discovered. It is the Most Potent Antioxidant, Antiaging and Radiation Neutralizer C60 infused with olive oil increases your lifespan and is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and protects the nucleus of your cells DNA from free radical damage and radiation damage including nuclear, EMF or EMR radiation from cellular and Wi-Fi devices. It also protects and can help prevent metabolic syndrome, diabetes, weight gain, inflammation, osteoarthritis and nerve damage that can cause ADD, ADHD, Autism, Alzheimer's, Dementia, Epilepsy, Huntington's, Parkinson's, Seizures and other neurological conditions. It prevents and can reverse UV damage (a major cause of aging and skin cancers.) It is also a natural immune system protector and booster.
- Tudca (Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid) is a neuroprotective supplement that is a specific bile salt. It is a brain and nervous system protector, improves gut health (which has a lot to do with brain health) and Adaptogen. It is highly beneficial for those with ALS, Alzheimer's (Beta Amyloid Plaques), Parkinson's, Huntington's, Dementia, Epilepsy, Spasms. Stroke and Neurological disorders as well as gut disorders. It is recommended by the holistic doctor (Dr. Berg) for this purpose. It is also helpful for gallstones (bile cholesterol stone) and cirrhosis of the liver. It is protective for your eyes (helps Vitamin A absorption in your eyes) and helps reverse diabetic retinopathy. It is a natural Anti-inflammatory and helps with insulin resistance and metabolic disorders. It protects your kidneys and gut lining and soothes your colon too. It is a brain and gut health healing powerhouse.
After you cleanse your colon, you need to restore healthy gut bacteria. It is the most important part of the treatment for chronic diarrhea because it builds a healthy gut and colon environment. You do this while you are cleansing your colon and immediately afterwards to keep your colon populated with healthy gut bacteria. Stopping diarrhea and leaky gut syndrome can give you an immediate boost in your total health from the inside out. If can help your whole body work better with chronic skin conditions even clearing up!
Healthy Bacteria in Gut
Healthy Bacteria in Gut is what allows you to be free from chronic diarrhea and helps prevent colon cancer too. It is the next step in the natural treatment for chronic diarrhea, after doing a thorough colon cleanse to get any parasites, pathogens and disease causing organisms out of your body. It boosts your immune system and doesn't allow infections to damage you. Prescription medicines, pesticide and eating GMO foods destroys your intestinal flora by creating tiny holes in your digestive tract, intestines and colon that cause leaky gut syndrome and scar tissue.
It is the most important step in the holistic treatment of chronic diarrhea, because it restores your natural gut microbiome (environment) so it works like it should. It even boosts your natural immunity. Use digestive enzymes to break these up naturally and get rid of the plaque that is building up over the scar tissue. Use the prebiotics and probiotics to restore a natural and healthy gut system. They also help restore proper bowel function and regenerate damaged tissues.
The first two steps in the natural treatment for chronic diarrhea are the most important in the list below. Proteolytic probiotics flood your colon with healthy bacteria so the harmful strains of bacteria can't take over and give you the constant runs. The full spectrum enzymes break down adhesion's that limit how your colon absorbs the nutrients and without it, you will just keep flushing your bowel without end.
- P3-OM (Advanced proteolytic probiotics that eliminates harmful bacteria fast, eats up excess sugars and protects your gut from viruses and chronic inflammation)
- Best Enzymes for Digestion (Full Spectrum Digestive Enzymes that stop indigestion, bloating and gas. Breaks down protein, carbohydrates and fats so your body actually absorbs the nutrients it needs to heal itself)
- Essential Oils for IBD (Frankincense, Peppermint and Lemongrass essential oils improve digestion and protect your intestinal lining and colon from damage. They are highly antimicrobial)
- Aloe Vera Extract (Aloe Vera is very healing to all skin tissues, particularly your gastro-intestinal tract. It is commonly used to heal ulcers, relieve nausea, soothe a burning esophagus, and for skin burns)
- Turmeric Curcumin (Turmeric or Curcumin extract is one the most powerful natural anti-inflammatories. It can soothe your digestive tract and help lesions and ulcers heal.)
I also recommend drinking distilled water because it is a detox water (empty water) that will flush everything out. After you are healed you can return to neutral pH water or alkaline water. Intestinal hydration is important and will allow the treatments to work most effectively and wash out the toxins and your health (and lost energy) can be restored. If you follow natural treatment for chronic diarrhea, you will definitely not be bound by a “life sentence” prognosis that most people have experienced.
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