Herbs for Depression

natural remedies for depression

Herbs for Depression

Feelings of Depression and Anxiety can happen to anyone at any time. Sometimes you can just wake up and for no particular reason feel slightly or even heavily depressed. It could be from dealing with a bad dream, or having challenging negative thoughts run wild through your mind. It can be from not feeling loved, or having no family or true friends. There are many reasons why we can feel depressed at times, sometimes life's circumstances can give us a reason to feel depression if we don't seem to know how “feel ourselves” again. The Best Herbs for Depression can help you get back to being you.

I'm sure you've heard the “depressing” story of how Robin Williams, one of my favorite actors, comedians and just wonderful person took his life. The reason why is he felt powerless over his destiny and health concerns most likely do to imbalanced brain chemistry leading to dementia that he did not want to face. He battled depression for years, but hid it really well.


We know these feelings exist and you may have every right to feel that way temporarily. Just realize that there are answers to the question “How Can I Feel Happy Again?” You can take your feelings of depression and turn that same energy into something that will make your heart pitter patter once again. The first step is not to deny it, but to acknowledge it, take ownership of it, and realize that is just where I am at right now. Using the best herbs for depression can get you there so you can start enjoying life in any situation you find yourself in.


why do i feel depressed for no reason


Why Do I Feel Depressed?

Why do I feel Depressed for no reason? I used to ask myself that quite a bit. I've personally lost my mother to suicide when I was a teenager. My father also transitioned after years of heavy drinking and drug abuse. I also didn't have any other living relatives that seemed to gave a darn about me. I grew up in many foster homes, boys homes (friends came and gone, just like that because of constant relocation, so I felt like I had no friends either.) I got tired of some of the abuse of these foster homes so I moved out and on the streets, till that got too dangerous and unproductive for me.


So I can definitely identify with some of the things you may be going through right now too. I eventually joined the United States Marine Corps and got some structure to my life. It was a step in the right direction at that time in my life. I've since learned how to live life the way I want to and discovered things that work very well for me and have helped others move into happiness, no matter what is going on around them. Using natural herbs for depression can really help you feel like you are at peace. 


I've even personally helped a few people who were on the bridge of suicide, take power over their thoughts and they are the shining beautiful people I knew they really were. The same can be your story with a few changes of thought. There are some things here that will definitely help you accept, then release those feelings and move into the happier state you were born to live. Herbs for depression can make a huge difference in how you think and feel. If you are having thoughts of suicide, then before you do anything else, please call a Crisis Hotline or Suicide Prevention.


causes of clinical depression


Causes for Clinical Depression

The main Causes for Clinical Depression can be due to many things. Here are a few of the most common ones:

  • Death of a close family member or loved one
  • Severe illness of a close family member or loved one
  • Breakup or Termination of an important relationship
  • Divorce (or relocation of a spouse or partner)
  • Financial Hardships (job instability or termination, lawsuits)
  • Living in the past (still hanging on to hurts from childhood or later)
  • Chemical Addictions (prescription or recreational)
  • Legal Issues (the loss of the feelings of freedom)
  • Unsure of how or why you are feeling this way (common)

The causes can be known or unknown, but the symptoms are very real and you do need to let people you can trust know.


Or if you are feeling like you have no one to trust at the moment, sometimes going to a nature spot like a beautiful park or walking along the ocean can really help you feel more grounded. By using a holistic treatment for depression combined with a few natural herbs for depression you can let go of all that unneeded stuff, that probably isn't even yours anyway, and allow the natural feelings of wellness and happiness to move into your mind body and spirit.  


symptoms of depression


Depression Signs and Symptoms

There specific Depression Signs and Symptoms that you will notice when you or someone you know or love is dealing with depression. Here are a few of the most common signs and symptoms of clinical depression:

  • Excessive sadness
  • Feeling continuously tired
  • Trouble focusing or concentrating
  • Feeling unhappy in life
  • Feelings of anger and frustration
  • Loss of interest things you once loved
  • Insomnia (too much or too little sleep)
  • Food cravings change
  • Overeating or starving yourself
  • Feeling isolated and alone
  • Excessive worrying about things that won't happen
  • Social anxiety
  • Feeling guilty or to blame
  • Always feeling some type of pain
  • Abusing alcohol or drugs
  • Thoughts of suicide or harming yourself (cutting)

If you are feeling one or more of the above signs of depression then you should take some positive action so you don't end up in an endless cycle of feeling depressed and then thinking negatively over and over again. There are some great herbs for depression and anxiety that really work and will lift your spirits when you just can't do it alone.  


magnesium for depression and anxiety


Magnesium for Depression

Magnesium for Depression and Anxiety. Calcium is the counterbalance to magnesium in the body. Most people have way too much calcium in their bodies because foods now are usually calcium fortified (and it includes the wrong type of calcium that isn’t fully absorbed!) Sea shell calcium supplements can’t be absorbed by your body and ends up in your joints as arthritis and bone spurs. Junk calcium also end up in your arteries as arteriosclerosis and in your brain as dementia and contribute to memory loss.


Calcium works with magnesium in your body and when there is too much calcium and too little magnesium it causes stiffness in joints, muscle hardness and depression feelings! Using a full spectrum magnesium calms your mind and body and properly balances every cell in your body. Most people are deficient in natural magnesium and it leads to all types of health issues like anxiety, panic, depression, arthritis, heart disease, insomnia, constipation, weakened immunity, muscle cramps and weak bones and teeth.


Using a full spectrum natural magnesium like Magnesium Breakthrough (which has all 7 types of elemental magnesium) and is proven to give you refreshing healing effects that you can feel, body and mind. It is #1 natural mineral for anxiety relief. It just calms so you look and feel relaxed and in control. You can use it with any of the herbs for depression because they work in harmony. 


natural ways to beat depression


Holistic Treatment for Depression

The holistic treatment for depression and anxiety combines activity and being in nature with herbs for depression to give you a natural way to move from depression into happiness. Use the following holistic ways to treat depression and you can feel a sense of renewed ease and balance: 

  • Full Spectrum Magnesium is the natural mineral that 90% of people are deficient in. Calcium causes tension and hardness and causes mental instability, magnesium causes relaxation, relief,  calmness and natural mood elevation
  • Natural Sunlight – Get at least 20 min. of direct sunlight (except 10 am-2 pm)
  • Full Spectrum Lighting (Provides natural mood enhancement as well as natural vitamin D3)
  • Vitamin D3 – The sunshine vitamin helps balance mood and body pH levels
  • Fluoride Free Water – (Fluoride, although the active ingredient in Prozac and other prescription medications, actually leads to deeper depression and is a brain toxin)
  • Exercise – At least 20 min. per day of any exercise, even walking (outdoors preferable)
  • Watch Comedy and Listen to Uplifting Music
  • Color Therapy (choose bright colors, particularly vibrant ones like yellow and green)
  • Depression Free Therapy – For Moderate to Severe Depression Relief (A system that helps you understand why you're feeling depressed and how to move into happiness and get the load off of your shoulders)

Use any of the above natural therapies along with a few of the best herbs for depression, and let it work for and with you. Let depression check out, and more harmonious vibrations to check in. Get nature on your side and the fog will lift and you will feel your place in this universe again.


herbs for depression


Herbs for Depression and Anxiety

The best Herbs for Depression and Anxiety can restore optimal that natural  balance between your brain and nervous system so you begin to feel better and have more positive thoughts. Fortunately for all of us mother nature and the intelligence of what created our bodies has given us some assistance on our path to finding joy in life.


Sometimes there is a biological reason we seem “stuck” by life and don't see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is usually due to a chemical imbalance in your brain that causes thoughts of depression and emotions that feed those negative thoughts. It can help you break depression when you just can't do it alone. Using the best herbs for depression (shown below) can get you to a better feeling place. 



Begin by adding a few of these natural herbs for depression to your daily routine and you can at least help move your mental outlook to a much brighter one.

  • CogniBiotics – Natural Serotonin, Dopamine and Norepinephrine Boosting herbs for depression with minerals and advanced probiotics (Naturally elevates your mood, brings clarity and helps relieve stress, anxiety and depression without negative side effects)
  • Homeopathic Remedies for Depression (homeopathy is all about balance, and depression is an imbalance in your brain chemistry and neurotransmitters) and that is what homeopathic medicines do very well.
  • Lithium Orotate – (Dr. John Gray “Women Are From Venus, Men Are From Mars” recommends this
  • CBG Oil – (Your brain has thousands of cannabinoid receptors that respond to CBD and CBG is the non-drowsy type of CBD that actually gives you a stable natural lift, it is a natural mood elevator that helps stop your brain talk of endless depression
  • St. John’s Wort Organic St. John's Wort is a natural herb that is great for depression relief, especially when used with lithium or CBD

I do not recommend the use of any prescription medications except in emergency situations as it is only a temporary Band-Aid that just covers up the source of the problem. What you really want to do is to move past those feelings and regain (or experience for the first time) the joy in life that is your birth right. Natural herbs for depression restore your balance naturally without any harmful side effects – you just start feeling clarity!


I've been into holistic medicine for about 20 years now I've actually discovered that we have 3 brains or sources of intelligent biofeedback. And using the best herbs for depression can help them be in harmony and complete balance. You have your brain (intellect); your heart (emotional and social intelligence); and your gut (intuition and happiness feelings.)  It is this gut brain that is the source of stress, anxiety and depression, but holds the key to unlock that happy for no reason button.

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