Herbs That Lower Blood Sugar Sugar is everywhere in our diets, not just in the sugar we add on top of our cereal or in our iced tea. You can use natural Herbs that Lower Blood Sugar to keep in a healthy range and prevent diabetes complications. It is in fruits, white bread, tortillas, pasta and increasingly in the form of …
Read More »Herbs for Arthritis
Herbs for Arthritis Arthritis is the common term given to painful, inflammatory and degenerative conditions primarily affecting the joint socket, bursa and the surrounding tissues. The word arthritis It is made up of two Greek words: athro – meaning joints; and itis – meaning inflammation. There are well over 100 different types of arthritis. There two ways you can treat …
Read More »Herbal Remedies for Gout
Herbal Remedies for Gout Gout can be a painful condition that affects any joint in your body, either acutely (suddenly) or chronically (long term.) Your feet, and more specifically your big toe are the most commonly affected areas on your body due to gout. Gout pain is due to an excess of uric acid in your bloodstream that can't be …
Read More »How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally and Quickly
How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally and Quickly How to lower blood pressure naturally and quickly. High blood pressure is referred to Hypertension in the health field. It is a chronic condition where the blood pressure in your arteries is at an elevated level for and extended amount of time. It can lead to major health issues such as stroke, …
Read More »Dr. John R. Christopher
Dr. John R. Christopher Dr. John R. Christopher pioneered the modern return to the natural healing abilities of natural plant signatures. He cured himself from a young age (rheumatoid arthritis, decrepit body – he had to walk with a cane, hardened arteries). “Medical Doctors” said he would not live to the age of 30 years old. Well, Dr. Christopher proved …
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