Detox Heavy Metals Heavy Metals (or heavy metal) is a type of dense metal that is toxic to human health, not to be confused with a type of music that features “kickass” guitar licks and a screaming frontman! Couldn't resist that one. The Heavy Metals I'm referring to here are metals that are toxic to human health in anything more …
Read More »Herbs for Arthritis
Herbs for Arthritis Arthritis is the common term given to painful, inflammatory and degenerative conditions primarily affecting the joint socket, bursa and the surrounding tissues. The word arthritis It is made up of two Greek words: athro – meaning joints; and itis – meaning inflammation. There are well over 100 different types of arthritis. There two ways you can treat …
Read More »Treatment for Radiation Poisoning
Treatment for Radiation Poisoning Exposure to Radiation is increasingly common in your daily life now. You can not escape it wherever you go on this planet. Some types of radiation like solar radiation are not lethal unless you get 3rd degree burns from heavy exposure and don't take any precautions. Then it can lead to skin cancer. Medical Radiation Treatments …
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